If you are serious about living a life you really love in a body you love then in my opinion meditation is essential. That is why I am suggesting this 30 day prosperity challenge. The actual start of the 30 days is May 27th so you can prepare yourself, get the cd and maybe even try it once before Thursday. You will have MANY excuses as to why you simply can't do it. Don't believe any of them! It is simply your old self trying to keep you where you are. You cannot become who you want to become by remaining who you are. Just make it important. Try to schedule it in first thing in the morning same time every day. I get up, brush my teeth and wander sleepily to the couch. Early morning is the best time to do it but if you are living with other people you may need to either get them to join you, go outside, or find another time. The first few times you do it you may feel anxious, impatient, restless or self conscious. Just do it anyway. It will pass and it is worth it. It is amazingly powerful when done in a group. If you have friends or family members you can get on board with it bring them in. Even invite you children to do it. What a blessing to have this practice early in life. Don't assume they won't want to, invite them. FAQ Can I only think of one thing per 20 minute meditation? How I do it is I have in my mind or I have previously written down what my intentions are. If I have 3 I do the first 5 or so minutes on one, then 5 or so minutes on the next one etc. My sister does one for herself and one for her son. (she just told me yesterday that her son's SAT scores jumped 30 points after doing this meditation to nearly a perfect score) Can you Ah for someone else? Wayne Dyer says yes you can and my sister does it for her son and husband all the time and with extremely powerful results. I always add some for others. I think it might even help for some people to feel the desire to help someone else more deeply than themselves. Try it and see what you think. Does it have to be in the morning? I do it in the morning because it was suggested that it is time that your mind is less restless and the outside world is more calm. My feeling is morning is probably best but anytime is better then not at all. Do I have to do the evening meditation as well? This particular challenge is for 30 days of the AH or morning meditation. Certainly doing the evening meditation as well is fantastic. My intention is to help you get started with a daily routine. I suggest you do it if you feel ready to add that in as well but the most important thing at this point is to simply create a habit of a daily meditation practice. Last tip: Remember it is about feeling the emotion of Joy, fulfillment, relief that it is taken care up. If you have a hard time feeling it at first don't worry. There is no wrong way to do it. Just simply commit to doing it daily and know great things are happening for you. Download Meditations for manifesting at audible.com or buy it on amazon.com. But if can't get it online google it on youtube and listen to it for free online. Remember, 30 days in a row. PLEASE post your results no matter how big or small on the wall. It will inspire us all. Let us know if you did it, how it feels, if you have any questions, breakthroughs or insights. Share, share, share! Love, Patricia