Friday, August 27, 2010

The power of good food! Add more pleasure to your life with whole grains!

Sign up for the Warrior Body Retreat Oct 17th NYC! Go to and click on events. Space is limited!

The Purpose of making changes is to add more pleasure to your life.
I hope these posts have inspired you to add some super foods to your choices.
The next food highlight on the list is whole grains. Are you a carbophobe? If you are  someone who pushes away the carbs think again. I am not talking about cakes, cookies, chips or french fries or highly processed foods. I am talking about whole grains. Whole grains are essential to health. They provide fiber, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and other nutrients.

Switching from refined grains to whole grains is a huge benefit to your heart, your blood sugar and can lower cholesterol. The list of heath-promoting abilities is quite long.

Oats in particular are a super food
Low in calories
high in fiber
high in protein
rich source of magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, thiamine, protease inhibitors and vitamin E.
They are an excellent source of complex carbohydrates, they have twice as much protein as brown rice and helps to sustain energy.

One study shows that women who ate one serving or more of whole grains each day had a 14-19% lower overall mortality rate than those who rarely or never ate whole grains.  The study was done on women but men eat up too.

Here are some shifts you can consider making
Whole grain bread instead of refined white bread
Whole grain pasta instead of white pasta
Whole grain brown rice instead of white rice
Whole grain cereal instead of processed packaged cereal
Whole grain crackers
Read labels and get rid of the refined, sugary foods
Try whole grain tortillas for your wraps
Try other exotic grains like barley, quinoa, buckwheat, millet
Go for soba buckwheat noodles when eating Japanese food.
Use oats in your backed goods

Lose the refined and highly processed carbs and add great whole grains and feel your body start to thank you right away!

The purpose of making changes is to add more pleasure to your life. There is no progress without change.  What are you willing to change today? The more "good stuff" you add the more you crowd out the bad!

Live a life you LOVE in a body You LOVE by loving your body NOW

Sign up for the Warrior Body Retreat Oct 17th NYC! Go to and click on events. Space is limited!