Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I am more powerful today and better in every way!

I have decided to dedicate February to inspiring everyone to focus on health and wellness.  I recommend that you take your attention off of trying to lose weight or "get skinny" and instead ask yourself, "how can I improve how I feel?"  I think many people think they need to either be on a diet or not and not simply means a free for all until you get yourself back on a diet again.

I suggest you totally drop the diet mentality and instead work on developing a health and wellness mentality. I believe that we can actually improve with age and if we treat our bodies well with good food, exercise and spiritual practice there is no reason we cannot live healthy, happy and well lives into old age.

The mantra I suggest you use for this month is "My body restores itself to perfect weight and perfect health, I am more powerful today, I am better in every way"   and as you say that affirmation see the mental picture of what that means to you.  

By shifting your mindset you will be shifting your mood, your attitude which will help you easily make better choices for yourself and when you make positive changes your health and weight will naturally improve.

What can you do this month that will improve your health and well-being? I'll give you some examples. Pick one or two but really follow through and train yourself to be consistent. Practice dedication to your well-being. Of course you might feel some discomfort in the process but it is your body doing it's work to restore itself to perfect weight and health.  

Make health and wellness your number 1 priority. It is the key getting better with age! How often are you consistently working out? Can you increase it? Minimum recommended weekly exercise is 5 times a week at least 30 minutes a day. Can you get yourself to do at least that this month? Are you drinking soda, sugary drinks, alcohol more than 2 times a week? Can you decrease that? Do you drink enough water a day? 8 glasses a day? Can you increase it. Are you eating out more than 2 times a week? Can you decrease it? Are you eating organic fruits and vegetables? Can you increase it? Do you eat red meat? How often? Can you decrease it and choose grass fed, hormone free meat? How often in one day do you eat simple carbs like white rice, potatoes, white breads, or junk food? Can you decrease it this month? Go through the list of make your own. Pick one thing you will commit to improving this month and really do it. If you improve one thing then little by little you will see yourself improving with age instead of deteriorating with age. If you want this to be your best year yet, you need the body that will represent your best self! It is the only one you have. Focus on making it feel and look fabulous now!

If you haven't purchased "The intenSati method" You can buy it now on amazon.com. You can now also buy the intenSati workout dvd at satilife.com. IF not now, when?


Saturday, January 2, 2010

The IntenSati Method, 7 secret principles to thinner peace. If not now, when?

What a great time of year this is! It feels like the opportunity to have a fresh new start. Are you ready to make this year your best year yet?  Why not make this year a year dedicated finally doing what you really want to do? What if this is the year you finally do lose the weight, get healthy, find the job of your dreams or play and enjoy life more often?  If not now, when?

How many times have you set new years resolutions just to find the excitement of making the change wearing off after just a few days?  Well, I would like to give you some tips to help you fuel your passion and enthusiasm because if you learn to keep your inner fire lit, you will have the energy to keep taking powerful positive steps in the direction of your dreams.

Remember last year when you celebrated the beginning of 2009, time flies and this year is not different. In a snap of a finger it will be 2011. Don't let this year go by without doing that thing you really want to do! Why not make this truly your best year yet?  Aim for success!

Step 1
1. A clear goal.
Pick one thing that you have a burning desire to accomplish, become or create.  Your deep desire is your fire and it will help you accomplish great things if you fan the flame. Remind yourself every day how much you want it, you want it, you really really want it!!

2. Take action
You need an action plan.  Do not worry about making it perfect just put a plan down on paper.  Put down the things you can do right now to get started. No matter how big or small the actions are, write them down and start checking them off your list. As you move forward you will have new ideas and you can keep adding to your list. Take the first action by writing the plan. No plan no power!

3. Become obsessed by it
Those people that are successful in creating and living a life they love in a body they love are focused. They keep their attention on the final outcome that they want, always.  Post your goal where you can see it, memorize it, fantasize about it, imagine it, create a vision board and keep the end result always in the forefront of your mind.

4. Be the master of your fate
Tell your mind what you want over and over and over again.  When you repeat to yourself what you want it is like plugging into your GPS system your final destination.  Your subconscious mind is your GPS system.  It needs to know where you want to do and will find the faster route for you to get there.  If you make a wrong turn it will guide you back on track.  Your subconscious mind is your spiritual mind. Use your conscious mind to plug in the final destination and then follow your plan and your intuition.

5. Discipline or self control
Without mental discipline or self control you are the slave not the master of your mind. You must develop the ability to doubt your doubts, to affirm your faith in the laws of the universe, in yourself and in  your abilities.  When you hear yourself doubting yourself practice changing your mind, shifting your focus,  When you meet with failure, never, ever, ever give up! Use self control to give a powerful and positive meaning to the situation and find the lesson and get up again.

6. Value yourself
When you value and respect yourself you stop settling for mediocre. You get what you settle for. Remind yourself their is nothing more important than that you become who you want to become and there is no one in your way but you. You can do, be and have anything you desire if you are willing to build the right mental attitude. You CAN do it, of course you can. Find value in yourself and in this life and you will be of great value to the world.

7. Stay inspired!
This is your duty! Stay inspired! Read books, look for others who have succeeded who are a positive role model.  This will help you fuel your positive mental attitude instead of your negative one. If you don't work to stay inspired then when the going gets tough, and it will, you will not have the fuel or the confidence to keep going.  Keep the burning desire to succeed alive!

 May you remember how incredible you are. You can do it.  Of course you can, if you believe.
If not now, when?

My book is now out! You can buy it on amazon.com or barnesandnoble.com!  Thinner peace is just a thought away!

Sign up now for my free teleseminar eating with intention and awareness January 6, 830pm ET. If you want the call in number email rsvp@intensati.com