What is important to you? Take a look at what you are doing and how you are doing it. If you think you don't have time to get your workout in or your personal time in to your daily life I suggest to take inventory and ask yourself what you are doing that you don't really love? Where are you wasting your time? Where are you spending your energy on things that are not giving your a good return? Evaluate, prioritize and be mindful of what you give your time and attention to!I am excited about introducing a new Sati program called BodySoulSati. I created this program for: anyone who loves yoga but wants more of a workout, anyone who doesn't have hours to spend in the gym but wants a total body workout, or anyone who wants to have a meditation practice but doesn't like to meditate or hasn't made the time to do it.
The BodySoulSati method is a holistic training program that invigorates the body and awakens the soul by infusing a fluid series of standing legwork with heart felt affirmations. 1lb weighted gloves are worn to tone the upper body and engage the core muscles leaving you feeling accomplished and inspired! Since I was 16 years old I have loved spending hours and hours in the gym. It was my social life, my work life, my passion, my hobby and a great way to connect with my sisters. It used to be my life. I met everyone I ever dated at the gym, all of my friends were met at the gym, and I loved expressing myself in this environment.I loved it not only for the social aspect but also the feeling of accomplishment I had after 3-4 hours of working out.
Over the past 10 years since, I have been practicing being more self-aware, more conscious, and more awake of the way I am living my life. I have started to feel my emotional eating stop and my mindful, joyful and healthful eating improve. I stopped dieting, I started looking at food as a way to heal, nourish and love my body as opposed to something to simply soothe me, fill me up and put me to sleep. I no longer feel like I have to get to the gym to work off what I ate which led me to an unhealthy relationship to both food and exercise. I now enjoy working out for the joy of moving, feeling strong, spending time with friends and doing work I love. Most importantly I now use food and exercise as a way to clear my mind, optimize my system, feel alive and connected to myself and to improve my connection to my inner guidance, my soul.
But nothing prepared me for the big change I experienced after having a baby! I realized instead of trying to figure out how I could spend more time at the gym I wanted to figure out what was the least amount of time I could spend at the gym and still feel great and get the time I needed for me, not as a way to pay for over-eating or a way to ward off the fear of my weight ballooning out of control. That meant all my workouts had to be efficient, effective, and holistic, and I needed to be present and committed to getting the most out of the hour. A time for me to strengthen my body, to nourish my heart, clear my mind, and awaken my soul. It also meant in order for this to work I had to make conscious and consistent good food choices. The price I would have to pay for making unhealthy choices, overeating or being too lazy to plan ahead was going to lead to not feeling good and happy in my body which would lead to me wanting to go spend extra time at the gym which, would mean less time at home.
I want balance. I want to prove to myself I can have it all and I do not have to compromise my feeling good in order to be the mother I really want to be or have the career I really want to have. I just have to be extra selective about what I eat and what workouts I now choose to do.
BodySoulSati is a workout that provides that for me and I hope you will find it provides something for you too. It is a perfect compliment to all the other Sati programs as it still fulfills the main intention of all Sati workouts to increase self- awareness, self -love, and to provide time for you to make conscious contact with your higher self so you can remember who you are and why you are here.
What is important to you? Take a look at what you are doing and how you are doing it. If you think you don't have time to get your workout in or your personal time in to your daily life I suggest to take inventory and ask yourself what you are doing that you don't really love? Where are you wasting your time? What are you spending your energy on things that are not giving your a good return? Evaluate, prioritize and be mindful of what you give your time and attention to!
Sleep in peace, wake in joy, live in health and love yourself inside and out. With love, Patricia
Join me for a special BodySoulSati Class Premiere! Where: Equinox 19th street and Broadway When: March 5th 2-4pm Cost: $50.00 includes juice and gloves Equinox members please write "MEMBER" in 'Special Instructions" selection in your order.